Tuesday, 27 May 2014

American Marine Biologist Rachel Carson 107th Birthday

Rachel Louise Carson  (May 27, 1907 – April 14, 1964)  was an american biologist. she was also a full time writer. Some books like SILENT SPRING,UNDER THE SEA WIND, THE SEA AROUND US and the most
popular book which is written by her is THE EDGE OF THE SEA won U.S. National Book Award.
Carson explore the whole sea from the shore to depth. After some time in 1950 she gave her attention to the Environment.
She was fully concerned about the Environment related problems which were caused by SYNTHETIC PESTICIDES. Carsone work for environment and its problem would be always admiring for American public and for the whole world.
Her popular book "SILENT SPRING"  which contain the issues of environment and nature brought the storm among the American population. At that time the whole credit  had gone for her work and devotion for the Nature.
Due to the big effort  of CARSON, she was posthumously Awarded the Presidential Medal of  freedom by JIMMY CARTER.


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